Monday, December 27, 2010
We LOVE our Realty Five of Defiance Cheerleaders!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
How does a Christmas ornament reflect pieces of our lives???
I found it quit interesting & thought you might too. Do you have special ornaments that reflect your life and your family? I bet you do... feel free to share your ornaments stories, I'd love to hear them! Karol
"We choose to give"
Call text or email if you would like Realty Five to find you a home for your Christmas Tree and the ornaments you love and cherish! Store them safely this year so next year you can unwrap them in a new house...
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Christmas snoopers.... have any at your house?
Monday, December 13, 2010
Holiday decorating... brings curb appeal?
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
HOME, ready for the festivities?
"We choose to give"
Friday, November 26, 2010
Got left overs? Thanksgiving left overs YUM!
Got left overs from your Thanksgiving feast? Here are a few ideas from the Food Network on how to best cook, serve and re-heat your left overs!!! Just click the link and see the yummy ideas they have cooked up for us...
Turkey and mayo is my all time favorite! I saw on TV this morning a cook / cheif was using left over Sweet Potatoes in pancakes...
What is your favorite thing to do with left overs?
My daughter in law is learning the art of Pecan Pie from her Mom, Lucky me :)
"We choose to give"
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Who is the Home Inspector VS who is the Appraiser for your new home purchase?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
National Association of Realtors: 10 Market Facts for Uncertain Times
September 2010
Although the economy is soft and consumer confidence remains low, new data from the National Association of REALTORS® shows positive signs for the future. To help REALTORS® interpret current economic data and address clients’ concerns, here are 10 key facts to understand about today’s market.
1. The economy is growing, though slowly.
2. The private sector is finally creating some jobs.
3. Consumer confidence remains low, though clearly off bottom.
4. The 30-year mortgage rate is at generational lows.
5. The national median-home price is stabilizing.
6. Other home-price measurements also are showing price stabilization.
7. Home price-to-income ratios have returned to fundamentally justifiable levels.
8. Economists expect price increases in upcoming years
9. Delinquencies are high but recent loan originations are performing well.
10. The long-term path to self reliance may be helped from long-term housing-wealth gains.To see the statistics behind these facts, download the full NAR research report, Market Facts in Uncertain Times > (PPT: 1.39MB)
To share this report, download the PDF > (1.46MB)
National Association of Realtors which Realty Five of Defiance is a member, of belives the soft economy is showing signs of improvement! We can hope the improvement reaches Defiance and N.W. Ohio...
"We choose to give"
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Fall back in N.W. Ohio
It's that time of the year again in Defiance, Ohio along with most of the country!
Fall back, turn your clocks back one hour, what will you do with that extra one hour? Sleep longer? Finish reading your book? Spend extra time with your family? Spend a extra hour working on our business? Maybe selling your home and getting it on the real estate market has been on your list of things to do or possibly house shopping has been on your list? You have a tad extra time so give us a call, text, email or Facebook... Realty Five of Defiance is ready to work with you! Karol"We choose to give"
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Enjoy fall cooking? a few Defiance area kitchens for you visit!
Thanksgiving is coming and oh the yummy smells that brings, Karol "We choose to give"
Monday, October 25, 2010
Are the holiday's around the corner at your house? Is your dining room ready?
Monday, October 11, 2010
So... what is a FSBO?
What is a FSBO in the Defiance area Real Estate?
A FSBO is a seller of a home who is trying to sell there property themselves, or as we call it in the Real Estate Industry: For Sale By Owner There is nothing wrong with trying to sell a property on your own as long as a person knows how to! It would be like asking me to write up an Insurance Claim... me? No I can't do that, but my professional Insurance Representative could! My top 5 items of importance when selling a home, farm, land or business: 1) Price it right, do your homework to see what the current market is doing, research what buyers are willing to pay for the property, using updated comparable solds is a must! 2) Stage it, properly staged homes sell faster, make sure the property's interior & exterior is completely "buyer ready" 3) Marketing, most people start there shopping on the Internet... market / advertise all over the Internet using photos, videos and good solid information about the home, farm, land or business you are advertising. 4) Prepare property disclosures and lead base paint disclosures to accommodate Ohio Real Estate Laws and procedures... 5) Find buyers! Call, text or email Karol for additional information about listing & selling your home! karol@realtfive.com888.766.8627
"We choose to give"
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Summer Home Sales in and around Defiance
Karol Realty Five of Defiance
"We choose to give"
Thursday, September 30, 2010
What does a Price War & Beauty Pagent have in common with the Defiance area Real Estate?
Everything!!! If your home is listed in the Defiance area market or any market as far as that goes, it better be the best priced home in town! There is a price war going on and you want to come out a winner right? There is also a beauty pageant going on, lots of pretty houses for sale in and around Defiance... don't you want yours to be the prettiest? When a buyer is out looking they want the best price and the most beautiful home they can get!!! They look by doing drive byes... curb appeal means alot. They look on the Internet, pictures and video's mean alot. Buyers also want to see homes at there convenience, so having your home "buyer ready" at a moments notice means alot. Beauty pageant and a price war, you might be saying a little dramatic isn't Karol? Yet it is the way to get your home SOLD rather than "For Sale" in today's competitive real estate market! Any questions or staging advice call, text or email Karol
Realty Five of Defiance
"We choose to give"
7 Steps to Sell Your Home
1. Clutter
Clutter = equity. Shown clutter eats up space, making your house look smaller. Plus, the act of moving requires you to purge all of your clutter, so it's best to get it out of the way!
2. Dirt
Going to an open house is like going on a first date. You'll notice all of the imperfections. The home should be "Q-Tip Clean," meaning every crevice should be spotless: the bottom of the toilet, the faucets, light switch plates, windowsills, etc.
3. Bills
If a potential buyer sees that you owe $3000, he'll think, "Oh, this person must be desperate to sell!" And this will make the buyer less apt to bid up on your home. Put all personal papers and bills in baskets with lids or in drawers.
4. Photos
Photos are family wallpaper. You don't pay attention to them, but buyers will. And every second they are looking at your pictures, they aren't looking at your house.
5. Smells
If your house smells bad, people will turn around and leave. This should be of particular concern to smokers and people with pets. Make sure to air out your home and light scented candles if necessary.
6. Extreme Temperature
Your house should be cool in the summer and warm in the winter. If a house is too hot or too cold, the potential buyer will want to get out of there as soon as possible.
7. Messy Exterior
You can't sell it if you can't see it! Go across the street and look at your house from your neighbor's home. Is the paint job intact? Are the shutters secure? What does the roof look like? Make sure the lawn is mowed, the trees and bushes are trimmed and put garbage barrels in the garage or out of view. Spray off residual dirt from the side of your house and walkways.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Week-end get a way to near by Indiana
Realty Five of Defiance
"We choose to give"
Karol Yeager
REALTY FIVE of Defiance
"We choose to give"
419-784-4519 Direct 888-766-8628 Fax
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