Fall has arrived in the Defiance area with a defined chill in the air .... a chilly day makes for a great time to be in the kitchen! Recently alot of my Facebook friends have been commenting on fall cooking along with some of there favorite dishes they like to make... the anticipation of a good meal is coming with the smell of a slow cooking soup, a roast in the oven or pumpkin pie baking in the oven makes for a wonderful Sunday afternoon filling the kitchen and the house with fall smells that everyone loves! Realty Five of Defiance has a few kitchens listed for sale (along with the rest of the house) take a peak and see which one you might like best!!! If you hurry you could be cooking and baking for your family this Christmas in a new kitchen... just think of the Holiday smells that are right around the corner! If you have a kitchen you would like to sell, give us a call, text or email.... Realty Five of Defiance would love to help get your house on our list of homes for sale! If you are interested in seeing any kitchens and the rest of the homes in the photos of this blog, we will be glad to show them to you! You can also find fantastic Visual Tours on our web site: www.realtyfive.com
Thanksgiving is coming and oh the yummy smells that brings, Karol "We choose to give"
Thanksgiving is coming and oh the yummy smells that brings, Karol "We choose to give"