Sunday, October 30, 2011
Creating my new home office~ will a little help from my hubby!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Defiance area homes with dining rooms for sale... what would your dining room have to say?
Defiance area homes sell better when they offer a little more formal space called "The Dining Room" If your dining room could talk, what would it have to say?
When I was growing up our Defiance family home had a dining room, most of the time it was a 'walk through" space to get to the kitchen or the living room. We used the dining room table as our homework area, the cat loved the dining room table, it held both our Easter Baskets and our school books! I can remember my graduation cake and it was proudly displayed on our dining room table along with many Thanksgiving dinners! Oh the conversations a dining room table must hear...
If you are searching for a home with a dining room Realty Five of Defiace has many of them for sale, we can't include the conversations & the memories a dining room offers but we would love to get you started with a family space for special dinners & special guests around the table!
Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays will be upon us soon, give us a call, text, email or facebook or click to visit us at we would love to get your family around the dining room table soon!
"We choose to give"
Sunday, October 2, 2011
40th Annual Vince Polce Marching Band Spectacular~
Chilly at the 40th Band Spectacular? Yes... but not all that bad considering the way the day started! Worth braving the cool temps and cold stadium bleachers? Yes... the opportunity to watch 6 marching bands is always a great night at DHS and has been for the past 40 years! This years Feature Band was The Bowling Green State University Falcon Marching Band. How often can a marching band lover see a University Band perform for $6.00? The sights and sounds was awesome as they played and marched to a Beatles Tribute which included an appearance from Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band... Kudos to BG, we really enjoyed your bands performance! One of the many things I got to witness last night was the "spirit of high school and college students" chearing & rooting for each other & showing appreciation for each bands performance, whoooo hoooo's and shouts of excitement was herd from students as the crowd watched 6 bands with 6 different styles of marching, dance routines, batons with fire and flags whipping and twirling under the stadium lights all on a very wet and muddy football field! Thanks to the Tinora Marching Band, Coldwater, Clay, Sylvania Northview and Defiance Marching Band of Class for a fantastic fall evening of musical entertainment!!! Karol