I am often asked, "What's the difference between a manufactured home and a modular one?" Today I'm going to try and point out some of the differences.
What are Modular Homes?
A modular home is a home that is built in sections at a factory and conform to all state, local or regional building codes at their point of destination. Each section is transported to the home site where they are then connected together by local contractors. Each home is has inspections along the way to make sure that the home is meeting the requirements and the work is being finished properly.
What is a Manufactured Home?
These are the homes that have been called mobile homes or trailers. The new ones are not called that anymore, because of all the different style options that are now available. These homes are also built in a factory, but built upon a non-removable steel chassis. they conform to a federal building code called the HUD code rather than building codes. Once built, they are transported to their final destination on their own wheels. These homes can come in multiple sections and then joined together at their building site. Not all of these homes are placed upon a permanent foundation thus making them a little harder to finance.
Here Are Today's Market Stats:
Today is January 27, 2009Defiance County Information
Active Listings: 289
New Listings: 3
Price Reductions: 1
New Pending: 0
Total Pending: 7
Solds: 1
Contingent: 15
Withdrawals: 0
Expireds: 1
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