Wednesday, August 19, 2009

TinCaps Follow up

We ended up having a great time at the TinCaps game. It was actually 1 1/2 games as the game the night before had to be stopped and then finished last night before the next game could start. The TinCaps were losing 4-1 from the night before but pulled out the win. We only stayed until the 5th inning of the second game since we had alreay seen 9+ innings. We did see 7 home runs in the time we were there though.

My favorite part: Reagan was asked to participate in an onfield contest between innings. It was musical chairs (the big blow up kind). Reagan and another girl took on 6 boys. Reagan got 2nd it was fun to watch. They asked Connor if he wanted to participate in an event in the second game. His response: "What is it?" he was told it was a race where you spin around a baseball bat then run. "I don't think I would be very good at that so, no." I loved it! He cracks me up.

You can't really beat the price for going to a game with all the fun. We had great seats about 5 rows behind the third base dugout and the seats were $9 a piece. Food wasn't crazy and parking right by the park was only $4.

It was a good night and well worth the money. If you get a chance try and make a game.

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