Thursday, December 31, 2009

What will you be doing in Ten years?

As 2009 comes to an end it also is the beginning of a new decade of our lives.  The past ten years have been filled with all sorts of newsworthy things in our world. We've seen the best in humanity and the worst in humanity.  The year 2000 came with all it's perceived baggage as Y2K was the huge scare and the end of the world projections were abundant.  It also marked the beginning of a new chapter of our lives in the Williams household as my son Connor was born in March 2000. 

2001 was of course marred by the September 11 attacks.  It was a moment in time that we can all say what we were doing when it happened.  We were reminded of it's realities just this week as another attempt on an airline happened.

This post is not, however, about what was, but rather what will be.  Back in 2000 did you make goals? Did you have hopes for what the next ten years would look like?  How'd you do?  Can you look back over the past 10 years and say, "wow, I am exactly where I want to be." or did you miss your mark? 

What will the next ten years look like for you?  What do you hope to accomplish over the next decade?  Will you move closer to your dreams or will they forever be just dreams?  I'm looking forward to the next ten years.  I turn 40 in January and I have some definate plans that I want to accomplish prior to reaching my 50th birthday.  In the next ten years my daughter will have entered college and graduated and maybe gotten married.  My son will be in college and I will have been married for almost 30 years.

Oh yeah, I have some big dreams that I want to accomplish before all that happens.  I believe so do you. 

Happy New Year and Happy New Beginnings!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to the Williams family may the next 10 Yrs. be equaly as good to you! Your decade re-cap brought back many memories:) Karol

Watch out Regan & Connor your Dad has big ideas for you!!!