Thursday, September 30, 2010

7 Steps to Sell Your Home

Are you trying to sell your home or are thinking about it?  Here are seven steps privided from FNC imag to consider prior to allowing us to put a sign in your yard. 

1. Clutter

Clutter = equity. Shown clutter eats up space, making your house look smaller. Plus, the act of moving requires you to purge all of your clutter, so it's best to get it out of the way!

2. Dirt

Going to an open house is like going on a first date. You'll notice all of the imperfections. The home should be "Q-Tip Clean," meaning every crevice should be spotless: the bottom of the toilet, the faucets, light switch plates, windowsills, etc.

3. Bills

If a potential buyer sees that you owe $3000, he'll think, "Oh, this person must be desperate to sell!" And this will make the buyer less apt to bid up on your home. Put all personal papers and bills in baskets with lids or in drawers.

4. Photos

Photos are family wallpaper. You don't pay attention to them, but buyers will. And every second they are looking at your pictures, they aren't looking at your house.

5. Smells

If your house smells bad, people will turn around and leave. This should be of particular concern to smokers and people with pets. Make sure to air out your home and light scented candles if necessary.

6. Extreme Temperature

Your house should be cool in the summer and warm in the winter. If a house is too hot or too cold, the potential buyer will want to get out of there as soon as possible.

7. Messy Exterior

You can't sell it if you can't see it! Go across the street and look at your house from your neighbor's home. Is the paint job intact? Are the shutters secure? What does the roof look like? Make sure the lawn is mowed, the trees and bushes are trimmed and put garbage barrels in the garage or out of view. Spray off residual dirt from the side of your house and walkways.

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