Thursday, May 5, 2011

Come on… is Real Estate really improving?

YES area Real Estate is moving, that's a good thing for our communities, buyers, sellers & Realtor's alike... Not such a good thing when others write offers on the same property as your buyer! A few things might happen in today's market: 1) a multiple offer situation is created 2) the other submitted offers may be higher 3) the other offer is a cash deal and the seller takes it right away.

Regardless it is no fun as a Realtor to inform your buyer they didn't get the house they wanted... Today I had to do just that & I didn't like it!!!

NO time to give up! I tell my buyers to shop for their mortgage $$$ like they would shop for a new pair of shoes... same goes for a house! Shoes have to be a certain size to fit comfortably, a certain style & color to fit your outfit you want to wear them with and all with in a certain price range, right?

Your house reflects your style, comfort level, decorating taste and a price range that works in your budget, right? See what I mean... shop for a house like you would a very special pair of shoes! Don't give up there are always new listings to look at and your Realtor will be glad to set up more showings!

If your offer didn't work, out maybe it wasn't a good fit after all?

"We choose to give"

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